7 Commands for parameter set up
7-4 Setting of the limit switch-related
Command SETLS<ch><D><lsen>0<lsiv>
Set the basic operation of the limit switch.
Digital LS
0/ Disable digital limit switch
1/ Enaable digital limit switch
LS enable
0/ LS disable 1/ LS enable
In lsen=0, motor does not stop, even if the limit switch detects
the limit. Expressed in three-digit binary number like 111, it
will be displayed in the order of HPLS, CCWLS, and CWLS.
LS polarity
0/ N.Open (A-contact) 1/ N.Close (B-contact)
Select the polarity of the limit switch. Format similar to
<lsen>. Expressed in three-digit binary number.
Reply Nothing
SETLS201110011 Disable digital LS of CH2, enable all of LS, set N.Open in HPLS,
set N.Close in CCWLS, and set N.Close in CWLS.
Only remote mode.
Item that is shaded is the default settings at parameter reset.
Command SETLS?<ch>
Confirm the basic operation of the limit switch.
Reply <D><lsen>0<lsiv> Refer to ”SETLS” for meaning.
Example SETLS?2 reply: 01110000
Command <D>L<ch><dls>
Set the threshold of digital LS that is enabled.
Setting side
F/ CW side B/ CCW side
Setting value
-2,147,483,647 ~ +2,147,483,647
Initial value CCW side: -1,000,000 CW side: +1,000,000
Reply Nothing
FL0+10000000 Set 10,000,000 to CW digital LS value of CH0.
BL0-1000 Set -1,000 to CCW digital LS value of CH0.
Remarks Only remote mode. And the motor is stopped.
Command <D>L?<ch>
Confirmed the threshold of digital LS that is enabled.
Argument <D>
Setting side
F/ CW side B/ CCW side
ddddddd (Signed Integer 7-digit and more)
Example FL?2 reply: +1000000