TSI DustTrak DRX Desktop SOP v1.1
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P a g e
DRX DustTrak Statement of Procedure
1. Check to make sure solar panels are not damaged and everything is
connected properly. Also measure height of DRX base to ground.
2. Lower tripod extension by crank and telescoping unit (if present).
3. First we will connect to the DRX and stop it running.
4. Connect the DRX to the PC using the USB cable on outside of the case.
5. Start TrakPro and under “Instrument Setup” menu select “Logging Control”.
6. Click on “Discover Instrument”.
7. Once connected, if the “Status” is “Running”, click “Stop Logging”.
8. “Status” will change to “Idle” if executed successfully. Then click “Close”.
9. Under “File” -> “Receive”, select the one file and click “Receive”.
10. Once the file is received exit to the main page.
11. To inspect the data we can graph using “Graph” -> “New” -> “Graph logged”
12. Select the box under the test name and select “OK” to graph the data.
13. The graph will show all 5 channels over the entire recording time. Make sure
that the test length corresponds with the duration of deployment and that
the max/min seems appropriate for the channels.
14. Now we will save the data as both a TKP file and a txt file.
15. To save the TKP file click “File” -> “Save As…”, choose the correct folder for
the station and name the file based on the date as “YYYYMMDD”.
16. To save as a txt file click “File”->”Export”->”Export Test Data…”, select the
test and click “Export”. Name file based on the date as “YYYYMMDD”.
17. Now delete the test files by going to “File”->”Receive” & select “Delete All”.
18. Correct the time of the DRX through “Setup”->”Parameters”->”Clock”.
19. Note the time difference between the PC and DRX and then sync the clocks.
20. Now replace the filter cartridge with a new one by opening up the enclosure,
lifting up the DRX, and removing the autozero module & tube.
21. Open the panel on the back right of the DRX and squeeze the bottom support
so that the filter cartridge can be removed.
22. If the conditions are dusty be sure to change the filter very quickly.
23. Note the filter number of the new & old cartridges on the download sheet.
24. Place the filter plugs from the new cartridge onto the old cartridge and insert
the new cartridge into the DRX, replace the panel & autozero module.
25. To check the flow rate with the new filter, connect the tube from the top of
the flow meter to the autozero module top.
26. Using the DRX screen interface, select “SETUP” and then “FLOW CAL”.
27. Using the up & down buttons adjust the flow to 3 LPM on the flow meter
(line to bottom of ball), select “SAVE” once correct, & go back to “MAIN”.
28. Replace the black tube from the enclosure onto the DRX autozero module
and close the enclosure. Place the old cartridge in its own Ziploc bag.
29. To start the DRX again, in TrakPro select “Setup”->”Logging Setup”.
30. Set a start date/time on a 10 min interval 20 min ahead & hit “SEND”.
31. Once sent, go to “SETUP”->”Logging Control”, click “Discover” and click
“Start Logging”.
32. Remove the USB cable and put the DRX back up to the correct height.