60040-00349 ∙ 00 ∙ 08/2022
Mover smart M
The legal warranty claims for defects of the Consumer
against the Seller in the respective country of purchase
are not limited by this Warranty and may be asser-
ted free of charge independently of this Warranty� In
countries outside the European Union, these statutory
warranty claims are governed by the regulations of
the country in which the Consumer first purchased the
In individual countries there may be warranties that
can be issued by the relevant dealer (official distribu-
tor, Truma Partner)� In such cases the warranty can be
implemented directly through the dealer from whom
the Consumer bought the appliance� The warranty
regulations of the country in which the appliance was
purchased by the Consumer for the first time shall also
be applicable�
11.2 Exclusion of warranty
No warranty claims from this Manufacturer's Warranty
shall be applicable under the following circumstances:
Improper, unsuitable, faulty, negligent or unintended
use or handling of the appliance;
Improper installation, assembly or commissioning,
contrary to operating or installation instructions;
Improper operation, handling or operation contra-
ry to the operating and installation instructions,
particularly any disregard for maintenance, care
and warning notes, or the operation of defective
Instances where installations, repairs or any other
procedures are carried out by non-authorised part-
ners or on the user's own initiative;
Consumable materials and parts which are subject
to natural wear and tear;
If the appliance is fitted with spare, supplementary
or accessory parts that are not original parts from
the Manufacturer or have not been approved by the
Manufacturer; this applies in particular if the appli-
ance is subject to networked control, if the control
units or the software have not been approved by
Truma or if the Truma control unit (e�g� Truma CP
plus, Truma iNetBox, Truma iNet X Pro Panel, Truma
iNet X Panel, or similar) has not been exclusively
used for controlling Truma appliances or appliances
approved by Truma;
As a consequence of damage arising from foreign
substances (e�g� oil, or plasticisers in the gas), che-
mical or electrochemical influences in the water, or
cases when the appliance has come into contact
with unsuitable substances (e�g� chemical pro-
ducts, flammable substances or unsuitable cleaning
Damage caused by abnormal environmental or un-
suitable operating conditions;
Damage caused by force majeure or natural di-
sasters or any other influences not within Truma's
Damage resulting from improper transport;
End customer’s or third-party modifications of the
appliance, including any replacement, supplemen-
tary or accessory parts, or installation of the same,
especially concerning the exhaust gas system or the
As a consequence of intentional or negligent
11.3 Making a warranty claim
The name and address of the Manufacturer and guaran-
tor is:
Truma Gerätetechnik GmbH & Co� KG
Truma Servicezentrum
Wernher-von-Braun-Straße 12
85640 Putzbrunn, Germany
The warranty must be claimed with an authorised
service partner or at the Truma Service Centre� All the
relevant addresses and phone numbers can be found at
www�truma�com, in the “Service” section�
To ensure a smooth procedure, we would be grateful if
you could have the following details ready before con-
tacting us:
Detailed description of the defect
Serial number of the appliance
Date of purchase
The authorised service partner or the Truma Service
Centre will then specify the further procedure� To avoid
transport damage, the affected appliance must only be
shipped by prior arrangement with the authorised ser-
vice partner or the Truma Service Centre� We ask you
not to send in an appliance without prior arrangement�
If the warranty claim is recognised by the Manufactu-
rer, then the transport expenses shall be borne by the
same� If no warranty claim is applicable, the Consumer
will be notified accordingly and any repair and transport
expenses shall then be the Consumer’s liability�