Truefitness.com / 800.426.6570 / 636.272.7100
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Custom Pace:
Users set up their own speed intervals. Easy to change setup screens allow users to customize any PACE SETTER (RPM)
profile to add variation to their cardio session.
Custom Ultra:
If users are having trouble finding a workout that fits their specific needs, try setting up the Custom Ultra! This completely
customizable workout setup enables WORKLOAD and PACE SETTER interval control as well as the ability to control
interval time.
HRC Cruise Control:
While in any program, Cruise Control enables the user to set the current heart rate as the Target Heart Rate by pressing
a single button. The Cruise Control program takes control of SPEED and INCLINE to maintain the user’s Target Heart
Rate. If bpm exceeds the target heart rate by more than 12 bpm, then the workout will end and Cool Down will begin.
HRC Target:
Users choose their target heart rate. The machine begins in MANUAL control – The user should gradually increase the
workout intensity until heart rate is within 10 bpm of their target. At this point, the machine takes over to control SPEED
and INCLINE to maintain heart rate within a few beats of the user’s target.
HRC Weight Loss:
Based on age, this is a heart-rate controlled workout at 65% of the user’s maximum heart rate. This creates efficient fat
burning without overtraining. The machine begins in MANUAL control –The user should gradually increase the workout
intensity until their heart rate is within 10 bpm of their target. At this point, the machine takes over to control SPEED and
INCLINE to maintain heart rate within a few beats of the user’s target.
HRC Aerobic:
Based on age, this is a heart-rate controlled workout at 80% of the user’s maximum heart rate. This keeps the user in the
optimum aerobic training range to improve cardio fitness. The machine begins in MANUAL control - gradually increase
the workout intensity until the user’s heart rate is within 10 bpm of their target. At this point, the machine takes over to
control SPEED and INCLINE to maintain heart rate within a few beats of the user’s target.
HRC Intervals:
Intervals of WORK and REST determined by target heart rate. The machine begins in MANUAL control – Users should
gradually increase their workout intensity until their heart rate is within 10 bpm of their target. At this point, the machine
takes over to control SPEED and INCLINE to maintain the user’s heart rate within a few beats of their target. The rest
segment will reduce to 65% intensity of work segment.
Fitness Test:
A fitness test uses heart rate to estimate the user’s VO2 max. The test increases SPEED and INCLINE gradually every
minute and ends at the point where the user’s heart rate reaches 85% of the maximum for their age.
Bike Mode Workouts:
These workouts simulate riding a 21-speed road bike. The resistance changes to constant torque against the pedals and
calculates speed for a more realistic biking experience.
Cardio 360™ Arm Sculptor:
Users challenge their upper body and core in this 10-minute, 3-motion program, and follow along at their own intensity.
Cardio 360™ Leg Shaper:
Users tighten and tone their legs and glutes, changing resistance on the fly.
Cardio 360™Custom:
Users can modify and maximize their workout to its fullest potential. Cardio 360™ Custom lets users build a personalized
routine, choosing their favorite Cardio 360™ motions and lengths of time. Then save their set-up for next time.