AWC708PLUS LCD Display Operation Manuals V1.1
Space Speed(mm/s)
When laser not output,the movement speed of laser head.
Cut Jerk(mm/s3)
Cutting speed jerk of axes.
Space Jerk(mm/s3)
When laser not output,the Jerk speed of axes
Min Acc(mm/s2)
Mini acceleration when axes doing speed up and down motion cutting.
Cut Acc(mm/s2)
Cutting acceleration when axes doing speed up and down motion cutting.
Space Acc(mm/s2)
When laser not output,the acceleration speed of axes.
Engrave Acc(mm/s2)
Engraving acceleration when axes doing speed up and down motion cutting.
Start Speed(mm/s)
Speed of axes from stillness to startup.
5.7 Common Parameters Settings
In main menu interface press
.Move cursor to
Common Parameters Settings
5.7.1 Work Mode