Eclipse 3D Imaging Sonar
Document: 0690-SOM-00001, Issue: 01
© Tritech International Ltd.
4.5.2. Palette
There is no depth information on the 2D display so the data is displayed using the
Intensity Palette
. Clicking on the palette bar opens the palette selector.
4.5.3. Invert Display (Up/Down)
The Invert Display (Up/Down) button, when clicked, inverts the image
displayed by the software.
4.5.4. Flip Image (Left/Right)
If the sonar is mounted upside down, the software has the ability to flip
the image from left to right as viewed on the computer screen so that the
image still appears correctly oriented to the user. The illustration above
shows the button in the non-flipped state.
4.5.5. Draw Grid
The Draw Grid button, when clicked, draws the range and bearing grid
on the image displayed by the software. The illustration above shows the
button in the on state.
4.5.6. Zoom
The Zoom button looks like a magnifying glass. When this button is
clicked, a zoom window opens which shows the data around the mouse
pointer in more detail, as the following image shows.
The zoom window positions itself to either the left hand side or the right hand side of
the screen so that it does not obscure the sonar image. The magnification level of the
window is changed by using the mouse wheel, or by using the + and – buttons next
to the zoom button. The magnification level can be changed between 1.5x (minimum
magnification)and 40x (maximum magnification).