• Equalize Battery Charge
(DIP Switch #3, Group B)
This DIP Switch is momentarily engaged to begin the process of equalizing the internal resistance
of your battery's cells. This can extend the useful life of certain types of batteries; consult with
your battery's manufacturer to determine if your batteries could benefit from this process. The
charge equalization process is automatic and once started can only be stopped by removing the
input power.
• Move to “Equalize” (DOWN) position for three seconds.
• Move to “Reset” (UP) position and leave it there.
Battery Charge
Switch Position
Reset Up*
Equalize Down
* Factory default setting.
• Limit Battery Charger
(APS1012, APS1524 & APS2012 only)
(DIP Switch #4, Group B)
To prevent overheating smaller batteries, the charger on these UPS systems is initially set to
deliver only a fraction of its maximum power rating to connected batteries. If you are using either
of these APS systems with a larger battery or battery system (over 100 amp-hours), you may
switch your charger to full power without overheating your batteries.
Battery Charger
Switch Position
Partial (
) Charging Power
Full Charging Power
* Factory default setting.
Setting Procedure:
CAUTION: Battery charge equalization should only be performed in
strict accordance with the battery manufacturer’s instructions and
CAUTION: Do not leave DIP switch #3 in the down position after
beginning process.
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