Synchroniza3on of the Shut-‐off
unit with the network and the connected detectors
is essen3al to proper opera3on of the system and prevents random opera3on by
adjacent systems. Read carefully the instruc3ons and follow them precisely:
Coordina3on of the communica3on ID No. of the Shut-‐off
unit with the detectors is
part of this process. A 10-‐minute set 3me is defined within the system to enable
comple3on of the synchroniza3on process.
The first detector to be installed is the main detector (MASTER). We recommend
posi3oning the master detector closest to the Shut-‐off unit and the most visual
rela3ve to it. The process will commence upon installa3on of the baYery within the
Shut-‐off unit.
System's component synchroniza3on and ac3va3on