interface such as aplication program, you only use your finger to click.
Press on
If you want to unlock the available option of a certain item (such as textbox or interlinkage in
the webpage), or move shortcut on t he homepage interface and menu of main program, only
press the item.
Slide quickly or slide
Quick sli ding or sl iding means doing ra pid v ertical or hori zontal d rag movement by using
finger on the picture.
Before you starting to drag, you must press it with your finger and impose a certain pressure,
and don’t loosen the finger before draging to the wanted position.
Aiming at m ost of pi ctures, only turn the MID in sid e direction, the screen direction can be
shifted from cross direct ion t o verti cal direction. For exam ple, when you i nput characters,
watch cinema, etc.
Homepage interface
All application programs o n the machine will be displayed on the main menu screen. You
may use app lication program, shortc ut and us er-defined mode t o set w allpape of y our
homepage interface