TMC2300-MOTOR-EVAL Hardware Manual • Document Revision V1.0 • 2020-APR-23
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User LEDs
: There are 2 LEDs (blue color) available for use with own TMCL scripts to react on user
interaction or indicate certain conditions. The corresponding IOs are described in the firmware
Charge Level / Status LEDs
: There are 3 LEDs of different color to indicate the charger state when a
5V USB-C charger is connected and the Li-Ion cell’s charge level when no USB-C is connected. When
charging the green LED is blinking. When not charging the green LEDs are permanently on and are
roughly indicating the charge level: green = good, yellow = middle, red = need to charge.
3.4 Battery Holder
The battery holder is assembled on the bottom side. A 18650 type/size battery fits into.
A 2A fuse is used to limit the maximum current draw from the battery.
Please check polarity of the battery before insertion! The proper polarity is
indicated on the bottom side silkscreen and inside the battery cage itself.
Figure 7: Battery holder on bottom side
Figure 8: Example Li-Ion battery of type/size 18650, a type with integrated protection is highly recommended
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