TMC2300-MOTOR-EVAL Hardware Manual • Document Revision V1.0 • 2020-APR-23
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3.2 Onboard Switches and Buttons
Figure 5: Top side Switches and Buttons
Push Buttons
: Three standard push buttons are available for use with own TMCL scripts to react on
user interaction, e.g., direction change or speed change. The function depends on the user’s TMCL
script. The corresponding IOs are described in the firmware manuals.
Power Switch
: This is a 2-way switch to switch the module on/off and select the power supply
• When the position is on VEXT_ON as shown in the picture the external supply from the 2-pin
header is chosen. If no supply is connected to EXT_5V the TMC2300-MOTOR-EVAL is not powered.
In this position the charger and charging circuit are also active when USB-C is connected. The
Li-Ion cell will be charged but the LED indicators for the battery level / charge status are not
• When the position is on VBAT_ON the onboard battery supply is chosen as supply. Motor supply
and digital supply are derived from the onboard Li-Ion cell.
3.3 Onboard LEDs
Figure 6: Top side LEDs
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