TMC2300-IOT-REF Hardware Manual • Document Revision V1.1 • 2020-SEP-30
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2.2 Onboard LEDs
Figure 2: TMC2300-IOT-REF Onboard LEDs
3V3 (
: This LED indicates the presence of the 3V3 power rail.
DIAG (white)
: This LED is connected to the TMC2300 DIAG signal
: This LED indicates that the battery is being charged.
: This LED is connected to the ESP32 microcontroller. It is usable by the application
code to signal an established connection.
IO18 (
: This LED is connected to the ESP32 microcontroller. It is usable by the application
code to signal a status (e.g. a heartbeat).
IO23 (
: This LED is connected to the ESP32 microcontroller. It is usable by the application code
to signal an error condition.
Note that you are free to use all LEDs connected to the ESP32 microcontroller for any other purpose in
your program.
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