TMCM-013 Manual (V1.14 / January 17th, 2006)
Copyright © 2005, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG
6 Functional Description
The TMCL-013 module has three different modes to control a stepper motor: step-direction, RS485
and pseudo DC-mode. With the RS485 it is possible to change parameters and save them to the
EEPROM of the module to have all options in any mode. Therefore there are different settings like
microstep resolution possible in step-direction mode also.
6.1 Disable
The disable works as an emergency shutdown. Connected to ground all power to the
motor will shut down independent of the current settings.
It is in the users responsibility to stop the step impulses or set the velocity to zero before enabling the
motor again, because it would start abrupt otherwise.
Function Table:
open wire
motor disabled
motor enabled
6.2 RS485
The RS485 interface can control all functions of the TMCM-013. It is possible to change parameters,
with this interface which are also valid in the other modes like max. velocity or acceleration. The
parameters can be written to the EEPROM to obtain the changes after a restart.
A Reset to factory default is possible. Default address byte is “A” and default baud rate is 9600 baud.