Each individual module has a unique serial number laminated behind the glass and another permanently
attached to the back-sheet of the module on the product sticker. Note all serial numbers in an installation for
your future records.
Trina Solar Crystalline series modules may be installed in the following conditions for more than 25 years. In
addition to the required IEC certification to meet European standards Trina Solar products have also been tested to
verify resistance to ammonia fumes that may be present around barns sheltering cattle, as well as suitability for
installation in humid (coastal) areas and areas of high sand storms.
• Ambient temperature: -40°C to +50°C.
• Operating temperature: -40°C to +85°C.
• Storage temperature: -20°C to +50°C.
• Humidity: < 85RH%
• Mechanical Load Pressure*: 5400Pa (550 Kg/m²) Max from the front side (snow) 2400Pa (wind) from the rear
- The modules have been evaluated by TUV according to IEC61215 for a maximum design loading of below
112.78lb / ft
- The mechanical load bearing is dependent upon the mounting methods used and failure to follow the instructions
of this manual may result in different capabilities to withstand snow and wind loads. The system installer must
ensure that the installation methods used meet these requirements and any local codes and regulations.
Trina Solar Modules can be mounted in landscape and portrait orientation however the impact of dirt shading the
solar cells can be minimized by orienting the product in portrait.
For optimum energy production, solar modules should normally be mounted facing the equator at an angle to the
horizontal plane equivalent to the latitude of the installation. In the event that you mount the solar modules at a
different angle or orientation then the annual energy production may potentially be adversely impacted.
When installing solar modules on a roof always leave a safe working area between the edge of the roof and the
external edge of the solar array.
Position the modules to minimize the chances of shading at any time of the day. Shading can normally be
minimized by ensuring that the distance between the obstruction and solar array is greater than three times the
obstruction’s height.
Do not install SPV modules in a location where they will be immersed in water or continually exposed to water
from a sprinkler or fountain, etc.
A slope of less than 5 in/ft is required to maintain the fire class rating.
Avoid using a mounting method that will block the drainage holes in the module frame.
When all solar modules are mounted in the same plane and orientation then all can be expected to have similar
performance throughout the day and can be connected together to the same inverter channel.
If solar modules on the same installation are mounted at different angles or orientations then energy production can
normally be optimized by connecting the different orientations to different inverters (or different MPPT if the
inverter has more than one MPPT). Refer to inverter manufacturers for further guidelines.
Do not install SPV modules in a location where they will be immersed in or continually exposed to water.
According to Intertek-conducted IEC 61701 testing, First edition, 1995.3, salt mist corrosion testing of photovoltaic
(PV), Trina Solar modules can be safely installed in corrosive salt areas within proximity of the ocean or sulfurous
According to TUV Rheinland-conducted testing of 2 PfG 1917/05.11 “Ammonia corrosion testing of photovoltaic
(PV) modules” and DLG Fokus testing for ammonia resistance, Trina Solar modules can be safely installed in
ammonia-heavy environments, such as farm houses.
PV modules can be mounted to the substructure using either corrosion-proof M8 bolts placed through the mounting
holes on the rear of the module or specially designed module clamps.
Regardless of the fixing method the final installation of the modules must ensure that:
A clearance of at least 115mm is provided between modules frame and the surface of the wall or roof.
The minimum distance between two modules is 10 mm.
The mounting method does not block the module drainage holes.
Panels are not subjected to wind or snow loads exceeding the maximum permissible loads, and are not subject to
excessive forces due to the thermal expansion of the support structures.