3.7 Remote Control Command Set
Table 3-4 describes the command set for controlling the TCR-MBA-50 (both versions) remotely.
Each valid command is responded with an “ack” message; invalid commands due to
incompatible operational parameters will be responded with a “nack” message and invalid
commands due to syntax errors will be responded with an “unknown command” message.
Table 3-4 Remote Control Command Set
remote on
Turns on remote control function on the PA (RMT light turns on, mode LOS and SAT
mode switches are disabled)
remote off
Turns off remote control mode on the PA (RMT light turns off)
Displays command list
Displays current status of the PA (firmware versions, mode, power, temperature)
los fm
Selects LOS FM mode
los am
Selects LOS AM mode
los fm hop
Selects LOS SINCGARS mode
los am hop
Selects LOS HAVE QUICK mode
Selects LOS WB single frequency mode (does not apply to TCR-MBA-50)
wb hop
Selects LOS WB frequency hopping mode (does not apply to TCR-MBA-50)
sat lna on
Selects SATCOM mode with LNA turned ON
sat lna off
Selects SATCOM mode with LNA turned OFF
power ##w
Selects the desired power level where ## is any allowable power level (10, 15, 25, 35,
50) for the selected mode of operation. Selecting a power level that is not allowed
will return a nack message