3.6 Remote Control Interface.
The power amplifier can be controlled via a USB or RS-232 interface using a terminal emulator
such as HyperTerminal. To connect the remote control interface cable, remove the dust cover
labeled AUX CONN on the connector side of the power amplifier. The operating data
parameters for RS-232 are 9600 bps, 8 bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit. To use the USB
connection, follow the Windows instructions to install the appropriate USB driver for a virtual
serial port. The USB driver can be downloaded from
The AUX CONN cover should be installed whenever the
auxiliary port is not being used to maintain the environmental
integrity of the PA and to prevent damage to the auxiliary
connector contacts.
Figure 3-7 Auxiliary connector pinout (mating connector part number 77500-00421)
Pictured is the WB version
PA. The Non-WB version
PA has no WB BNC
connector installed