GHV 900 Serie
Mulmedia capable House Distribuon Amplifier for smaller House installaons.
All funconal parts such as Pre-amplifier, Diplex filters, Return Channel Amplifier and
their sengs and adjustment components are fully integrated onto the circuitboard of
the Amplifier. This allows a complete installaon and setup based upon local require-
All Amplifier aenuaon and slope-adjustments are done via a 16-step rotary
switch in 1dB steps
The GHV Series comprise versions with 20 to 40dB downstream amplificaon.
Easy setup for switching between return channel (5-65 MHz) and VHF Band I.
Return channel seable for: ”acve”, ”passive”, ”ON” (default) or ”OFF”
Return channel amplificaon seng allows to switch Gain (except GHV 920).
Suitable for CATV Cable Operators.
This User Guide is suitable for Technicians, Installers and other Educated and Authorized
Personnel who Setup, Repair and Maintain Cable Network Distribuon Networks.
Important Points
Remarks and ps for the praccal use of the units.
Please refer to your local sales representave for the Warranty Terms of this product.
Unauthorized handling, installaon and setup voids any warranty claim.
Non-compliance to the safety precauons for this unit can cause Injuries, Death and can
also damage the unit.
Only Technicians, Installers and other Educated and Authorized Personnel should Install,
Setup, Repair and maintain this unit under full compliance to the safety precauons.
Damage caused by unauthorized, wrong Installaon or use, bad connecons or other
unauthorized handling voids the Warranty.
1 Introducon
1.1 Descripon
1.2 Who should
read this?
1.3 Abbrevia-
ons and Sym-
1.4 Warranty
2 - Security
2.2 Require-
ments and
wrong handling