TR-DVS Firmware Update • V 0.2 • Copyright triadis engineering GmbH
Seite 3
engineering GmbH
Switch off TR-DVS
Switch off TR-DVS and all the other instruments. The SD card must be removed from TR-
Switch on TR-DVS
Switch on TR-DVS. Keep other instruments (as Vario, COM) turned off if possible. Wait
until the LED flashes briefly every two seconds.
Firmware update
Press the buttons ACK and REP simultaneously and insert the SD card with the update
folder. Release the buttons.
The ACK and REP buttons must be hold down during the insertion of the
SD card!
The LED flashes (irregularly) during approx. one minute.
Wait until the LED flashes briefly every two seconds again.
Do not press any buttons during the update process.
Do never turn off the power supply during the update process.
When FLARM is connected, TR-DVS writes a sysinfo.txt file on the SD card after approx.
one minute. This file contains the firmware version number and the current configura-
Update process does not start
If the update process does not start (LED continues flashing briefly every two seconds),
turn off your device and repeat the process.
Update process failed
If the LED does not flash briefly every two seconds after more than five minutes and TR-
DVS remains silent when you press the REP button, the update process failed. In this
case, follow the instructions in “Update with Bootloader”.
Update with Bootloader
Setup has installed a Bootloader on your PC. If the update with the SD card fails, an up-
date with the bootloader is the only alternative.
Connect your PC with the X5 plug on TR-DVS. Use a standard IGC logger cable (the
same cable is used for a FLARM update).
Remove the SD card from your TR-DVS.
Switch on TR-DVS and wait until the LED flashes.
Start the Bootloader over:
Start> Programs> triadis> TR-DVS> V1.8.6> Bootloader