Aligning the Combs and Comb Assembly
Ensure the comb assembly is in the set-up position.
(The comb assembly will underline the words “SET-
UP” marked on the top plate).
The right comb assembly lock down knob should
be tightened but the left knob should be left slightly
loose, this allows the combs to be tightened.
Make sure the comb assembly locking knobs
are loose prior to setting up combs, (check this
by sliding the combs back and forth). Do not
completely loosen the comb assembly locking
knobs, but just enough to allow the combs to slide.
Use the comb alignment tool to push the combs
up tight against the workpiece ensuring that they
fill all the gaps, grooves and slots. Time spent on
this procedure will greatly improve the quality of
your final cut, so be sure to take your time and be
thorough. The jig will shorten your cutting time per
scribe by at least 90%, so time spent on getting the
set-up correct, is time well spent.
Once the combs are set, lock them into place using
the two locking knobs on the top end of the comb
assembly. Do not over tighten, hand tight is more
than enough.
The jig is now ready to be moved into the cutting
The combs are thin and can be sharp
please handle with care.
Do not slacken the combs off too much as it
could distort the profile when retightened.
Take extra care when using the comb
alignment tool to prevent slippage and
possible injury. Wear gloves.
Do not overtighten comb locking knobs.