Installing Transmitter Batteries
Your TQ 2.4GHz transmitter uses 4 AA batteries. The battery
compartment is located in the base of the transmitter.
1. Remove the battery compartment
door by pressing the tab and
lifting the door up.
2. Install the batteries in the
correct orientation as
indicated in the battery
3. Reinstall the battery
compartment door
and snap it closed.
4. Turn on the
transmitter and check the status LED for a solid green light.
If the status LED flashes red, the transmitter batteries may be weak,
discharged, or possibly installed incorrectly. Replace with new
or freshly charged batteries. The power indicator light does not
indicate the charge level of the battery pack installed in the model.
Refer to the LED Codes section on page 5 for more information on
the transmitter’s status LED codes.
Installing Receiver Batteries
The receiver battery holder is located
underneath the battery cover. Remove the
battery cover by removing the two body clips
from the posts on both sides of the battery
holder. Install 4 AA alkaline batteries into the
battery holder. Place the
battery holder into the battery
cover with the cushioning
foam. Secure the battery cover
to the chassis using the two
body clips as shown.
Antenna Setup
The receiver antenna and antenna tube must be properly
installed before operating your model. The antenna tube has
been precisely cut to match the length of the antenna wire.
Follow these steps to install the antenna and antenna tube:
1. Locate the plastic antenna
tube supplied with the model.
Slide the antenna wire into the
antenna tube to its full extent.
(When fully inserted, the wire
should reach to approximately
1/2 inch below the tube cap. Do
not leave any slack in the antenna wire.)
2. Insert the antenna tube into the antenna mount, taking
care not to crimp the antenna wire.
To prevent loss of
radio range, do not kink or cut the black wire, do not
bend or cut the metal tip, and do not bend or cut the white wire
at the end of the metal tip. Do not shorten the antenna tube.
Radio System Rules
• Always turn your TQ 2.4GHz transmitter on first and off last. This
procedure will help to prevent your model from receiving stray
signals from another transmitter, or other source, and running
out of control. Your model has electronic fail-safes to prevent this
type of malfunction, but the first, best defense against a runaway
model is to always turn the transmitter on first and off last.
• In order for the transmitter and receiver to bind to one another,
the receiver in the model must be turned on within 20 seconds
of turning on the transmitter. The transmitter LED will flash fast
red, indicating a failure to link. If you miss it, simply turn off the
transmitter and start over.
• Always have the transmitter and receiver turned on before
you start the engine. Never turn the radio system off while the
engine is running. The on/off switch in the model only turns the
receiver on and off. It does not turn off the engine.
• Always use new or freshly charged batteries for the radio
system. Weak batteries will limit the radio signal between the
receiver and the transmitter. Loss of the radio signal can cause
you to lose control of your model.
Radio System Controls
Radio Basic Adjustments
Steering Trim
The steering trim knob located on the face of the
transmitter adjusts the neutral (center) point of the
steering channel. If your model pulls to the right or
left when the steering wheel is centered, turn the knob until the
model drives straight when the steering wheel is centered.
Servo Reversing
The TQ 2.4GHz transmitter has been programmed with the
correct servo direction settings for your model and should not
require adjustment.
These instructions are for reference and
troubleshooting only.
Reversing a channel reverses the direction of the corresponding
servo. For example, if you turn the steering wheel to the right
and the model turns left, Channel 1 would need to be reversed to
correct the servo direction. Use the following procedures to reverse
the steering or throttle channel if necessary.
Servo reversing should
only be required if you accidentally reset the direction of a channel.
Do not reverse the throttle or steering channels unless necessary.
: Before performing these procedures, make sure that both the
transmitter and receiver are powered on.
Steering reversing procedure:
1. Press and hold the SET button on the transmitter for two
seconds. The status LED will flash green.
2. Turn and hold the steering wheel to the full left or full right
position (it does not matter which position you choose).
3. While holding the steering wheel in position, press the SET
button to reverse the channel.
4. The channel is now reversed. Confirm correct servo operation
before running your model.
Throttle reversing procedure:
1. Press and hold the SET button on the transmitter for two
seconds. The status LED will flash green.
2. Move and hold the throttle trigger to the full forward or full
brake position.
3. While holding the throttle trigger in position, press the SET
button to reverse the channel.
4. The channel is now reversed. Confirm correct servo operation
before running your model.