Once you become familiar with driving your E-Maxx, you might
need to make adjustments for better driving performance.
Adjusting the Slipper Clutch
The E-Maxx is equipped with an adjustable slipper clutch to
protect the drivetrain from sudden shock loads (such as landing
off of jumps with the motors at full throttle). Under normal
conditions, the slipper clutch should not slip.
Before adjusting
the slipper clutch, turn the radio system off and unplug the
batteries in the E-Maxx.
If the motors turned while the
adjustment wrench is inserted, you could be injured.
Do not
touch the 3 metal heatsinks on the electronic speed control
together with any metal object or tool when the speed control
is turned on! This could damage the speed control.
Use the
supplied universal wrench to tighten the slipper nut (clockwise)
until it stops and then back the adjustment out 1/4 of a turn. You
can make this adjustment without removing the gear cover,
instead removing only the rubber plug in the center of the gear
cover. If you notice any decrease in the E-Maxx’s performance
while making changes to the slipper clutch adjustment, then it
may be too loose. The slipper must not be allowed to slip during
normal acceleration or the slipper could be damaged.
Adjusting the Toe-in
Your E-Maxx comes from
the factory with zero
degrees of toe-in in the
front, and one degree of
toe-in in the rear. You can
adjust the toe-in on the
front and rear of the truck.
Set the steering trim on
your transmitter to neutral.
Now, adjust your steering
turnbuckles so that both
front wheels are pointing
straight ahead and are
parallel to each other (0 degrees toe-in). This will ensure the
same amount of steering in both directions. Adjust the rear toe
control links so that the rear wheels have 1˚ of toe-in.
Adjusting the Camber
Two pivot balls are accessible through the
spokes of each of the wheels on your
E-Maxx. From the factory, the pivot balls are
completely tightened into the suspension
arms, which give each of the wheels –1˚ of
camber. Unscrewing the bottom camber
pivot ball with a 2.5mm hex wrench will increase the wheel’s
negative camber. You should not adjust the top pivot ball;
unscrewing it will increase positive camber and will also change
the wheel’s toe-in.
Adjusting the suspension
The E-Maxx has adjustable suspension so
that it may be optimized for different
kinds of terrain and driving styles.
Fine Tuning the Shocks
The eight shocks (oil dampers) on your
E-Maxx have tremendous influence on its
handling. Whenever you rebuild your
shocks, or make any changes to the
pistons, springs or oil, always do it
carefully and in sets (front or rear). Piston
head selection depends on the range of
oil viscosities that you have available. For
example, using a two-hole piston with
lightweight oil will give you the same
damping as a three-hole piston with
heavier oil. We recommend using two-hole pistons with a range
of oil viscosities from 10W to 40W (available from your hobby
shop). The thinner viscosity oils (30W or less) flow with less
resistance and provide less damping, while thicker oils provide
more dampening. Use only 100% pure silicone shock oil to
prolong seal life. From the factory, the E-Maxx uses 30W oil.
Adjusting Your E-Maxx
Factory toe-in
settings can be
achieved by
installing the rod ends on
the turnbuckles until they
bottom out against the
shoulder. If you desire
more toe-out, the tips of
the rod ends must be
trimmed to allow them to
screw down further onto
the turnbuckle threads.