The Traxxas TQ-3 Radio System
Range-Testing the TQ-3 Radio System
Before each running session with your E-Maxx, you should range-
test your radio system to ensure that it operates properly.
Turn on the radio system and check its operation as described
in the previous section (Using Your Radio System, pages 18-19).
Have a friend hold the model. Make sure hands and clothing are
clear of the wheels and other moving parts on the E-Maxx.
Make sure your transmitter antenna is fully extended, and then
walk away from the model with the transmitter until you reach
the farthest distance you plan to operate the model.
Operate the controls on the transmitter once again to be sure
that the model responds correctly.
Do not attempt to operate the model if there is any problem
with the radio system or any external interference with your
radio signal at your location.
Don’t attempt to
operate your
E-Maxx if there are
any problems with your
radio system or radio
interference at your