LCD display signal
Systolic blood pressure
High pressure result
Diastolic blood pressure Low pressure result
Pulse per minute
Beats per minute, BPM
The displayed measurement values
is from the memory.
Measurement Unit of the blood pressure
Measurement Unit of the blood pressure
Low battery
Batteries are low and need to be replaced
Irregular heartbeat Detection
The grade of the blood pressure
Current Time
Irregular heartbeat
Average value
The average value of the latest three
This device is intended only for adult use in homes.
This device is intended for non-invasive measuring and monitoring of arterial blood pressure. It is
not intended for use on extremities other than arm or for functions other than obtaining a blood
pressure measurement.
If you experience discomfort during a measurement, such as pain in the arm or other complaints,
press the START/STOP button to release the air immediately from the cuff. Loosen the cuff and
remove it from your arm.
On the rare occasion of a fault causing the cuff to remain fully inflated during measurement, open
the cuff immediately. Prolonged high pressure (cuff pressure >300mmHg or constant pressure
>15mmHg for more than 3 minutes) applied to the arm may lead to an ecchymosis.
Too frequent and consecutive measurements could cause disturbances in blood circulation and
Do not wrap the cuff on the same arm which other monitoring ME EQUIPMENT is applied
simultaneously, because this could cause temporary loss of function of those simultaneously-used
monitoring ME EQUIPMENT.
Don’t kink the connection tube during use, otherwise, the cuff pressure may continuously increase
which can prevent blood flow and result in harmful injury to the PATIENT.
The maximum temperature that the applied part can be achieved is 42.5
while the environmental
temperature is 40
.(only for wrist blood pressure monitor)
The equipment is not AP/APG equipment and not suitable for use in the presence of a flammable
anesthetic mixture with air of with oxygen or nitrous oxide.
This unit is not suitable for continuous monitoring during medical emergencies or operations.
This device cannot be used with HF surgical equipment at the same time.
This device is not intended for patient transports outside a healthcare facility.
To avoid measurement errors, please avoid the condition of strong electromagnetic field radiated
interference signal or electrical fast transient/burst signal.
The operator shall not touch output of batteries/adapter and the patient simultaneously.
Manufacturer will make available on request circuit diagrams, component parts list etc.
The materials of the cuff have been tested and found to comply with requirements of ISO
10993-5:2009 and ISO 10993-10:2010. It will not cause any potential sensization or irritation
reaction.Never apply the cuff over hurt skin.
Do not use the unit in case of existing polyester resp. synthetic allergies.
Be careful to strangulation due to cables and hoses, particularly due to excessive length.
Do not connect the air hose to other medical equipment, as this could cause air to be pumped into
intravascular systems or high pressure, what could lead to dangerous injuries.
Before use, make sure the device functions safely and is in proper working condition.
Please use the device under the environment which was provided in the user manual. Otherwise,
the performance and lifetime of the device will been impacted and reduced.
Please use ACCESSORIES and detachable partes specified/ authorised by MANUFACTURE.
Otherwise, it may cause damage to the unit or danger to the user/patients.
Please dispose of ACCESSORIES, detachable parts, and the ME EQUIPMENT according to the
local guidelines.
Please do not attempt to repair the unit yourself in the event of malfunctions. Only have repairs
carried out by authorized service centers.
Please report to Manufacturer if any unexpected operation or events occur.
The device doesn’t need to be calibrated in two years of reliable service.
Please use the soft cloth to clean the whole unit. Don’t use any abrasive or volatile cleaners.
Year/Month/Day(M/D or D/M),