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ICE-LOCK is a universal remote controller based on GSM technology. It is designed
as unlimited range, wire free, low cost, and highly robust remote control system.
As all other devices from portfolio, ICE-LOCK supports alarm detection, stay-alive
messages, credit checking etc…
The ICE-LOCK is a GSM remote control unit with CodeLock keypad which can open
automated electric gates. You can dial the number of the ICE-LOCK unit free of
charge (Caller ID) or type your unique entry code into CodeLock keypad. When the
call is received or the correct code is recognized, the ICE-LOCK unit opens the
Changing the phone numbers, setting the codes can be programmed by sending
simple SMS to the unit or via WEB (Option on special request).
Typical use of the ICE-LOCK: rental apartments, holiday houses, restricted access
areas, storages, laboratories, etc.
ICE-LOCK is equipped with relay output.