2.4 Programming the teacher and student microphones
Before the microphones can be put into operation, the channel (Channel)
must be set. The modulation level (Deviation), microphone sensitivity
(Mic Sensitivity) and read-aloud function (Speech key) can also be set.
Programming modes
A) Channel
The microphone and receivers must be set to the same channel so that
they can communicate. Channels close together can interfere with one
Select channel:
There are 80 pre-programmed channels to choose between
on channels 20-99. Channels 00-19 do not have a pre-programmed
frequency and can be adjusted as required (see “Change frequency” below).
Select frequency:
You can change channels 00-19 to any frequency (in
25 kHz increments). These channels do not work if no frequency value
is selected.
B) Deviation (modulation level)
The deviation can be set to 5 or 15 kHz. The default setting is 15 Hz.
This deviation provides the best sound quality but the risk that dif-
ferent channels will interfere with one another increases with greater
NOTE: The deviation for the microphones should be the same as the
deviation for the receiver(s), otherwise the sound received will be dis-
torted. Many hearing instruments with FM receivers have a deviation
of 5 kHz. If the microphones have a higher deviation than the FM
receivers, distortion may be produced.