Air Assist
Attach the IN1200 to the gas line using the appropriate tubing. The
IN1200 comes with a
quick release connector. Adjust pressure as
The time required to neutralize a static charge on an item in this area de-
pends on two important factors: distance to the ionizer and air velocity
assist. With high air velocity, the ions travel further before they recom-
bine. Using assisted air with high speed results in coverage for the great-
est possible area.
There are two settings on the ion bar that can be adjusted: Working Fre-
quency and Duty Ratio. Adjustments are made to fit your application or
ion bar setup and are completed with the SCION remote control.
Working Frequency
The SCION uses an alternating current to produce ions. The Working Fre-
quency is the speed (measured in Hz) at which the ion bar makes a full
cycle from the positive current to the negative and back to positive. The
bar can be adjusted from 1Hz (slowest) to 50Hz (fastest). The Working
Frequency used depends on the distance the charge is from the bar and
the amount of airflow assist used. A slower Working Frequency increases
the distance that the ions travel from the bar and works with lower air-
flow. A higher Working Frequency is used when the charge is close to the
bar and in high airflow applications.
Duty Ratio
Duty Ratio is the balance of positive and negative ions the ion bar produc-
es. For most situations, the ideal average balance should be as close to 0
as possible. This means the ion bar produces the same amount of positive
and negative ions. You can increase the amount of positive ions with
"IB+" and increase the negative ions with "IB+" on the SCION remote.
Duty Ratio for Primarily One Charge Polarity
Situations exist when you may need more of one ion polarity than the