TMS, Vx510 P.S.T.N. Read Me First Installation Guide, 0412 v10
nual Sales P
edure Sec
8. Manual Sales procedure
If the service is temporarily unavailable, please follow the procedures in this
Quick Guide to process a manual Card sale transaction.
1. Obtain possession of the Cardholders’ Card.
2. Contact the Elavon Authorisation Centre for authorisation of the transaction by
0845 850 0197 (UK) or 1850 303 130 (ROI).
3. Place the manual sales voucher on top of the Card with the Card face up, on a
fl at hard surface.
4. Create an impression of the card, by rubbing a coin, or preferably the side of a
pen, over the manual sales voucher.
5. Remove the manual sales voucher and
check that all copies have been imprinted
clearly with the full Card details.
6. Complete the manual sales voucher using
a ball point pen. Please write the Card
number along the top of the manual sales
voucher as you may need to refer to this
later. Ensure you enter in the Authorisation
Code obtained from the Authorisation
7. Retain the Card and watch the Cardholder
sign the manual sales voucher. Check
that the signature agrees with that on the
reverse of the Card.
8. Check again that the details are correctly
entered and appear on all copies of the
manual sales voucher (- if they do not,
securely destroy the voucher and start again).
9. Hand the Cardholder the top copy of the manual sales voucher and the Card when
you are satisfi ed that everything is in order.
10. Retain Bank and Merchant copies in a secure place until you can process it
electronically through your Terminal.
11. Once the Terminal is available, please re-enter the transaction using the ‘Force’
or ‘Offl ine’ procedure.
Please see section 1.10 (page 27) of the Vx510 User