Operating Variables
Pressing the "
" button, you can see the status of all unit components and the value read by the
pressure transducers.
In this way it is possible to make a quick check on how the unit is working.
In these screens, you can see, at first, the state of all the compressors, with the status indication of
any capacity control or the percentage of the 0-10V signal supplied from the device to the continuous
modulation with frequency and i
f preventive functions “
” are actives.
Using the arrow keys, you can enter in the screen where the pressure status of the unit is displayed, in
order to make a check on the status of the unit and the refrigerant charge, according to refrigerant gas
and the external conditions: air temperature and water temperature.
The next two screens show, respectively, the pumps and fans activation status.
If the unit is equipped with EC fans or otherwise, AC fans regulated by continuous signal is shown the
percentage of the value of the 0-10V signal provided by the controller for their modulation.