10. High Pressure Cutout Setpoint
When the concentrator pressure as determined by the
interstage transducer output equals this setting, machine
shutdown will occur. Manual reset is then required (MMR).
The range of values are 0-15 Psig in increments of 1 Psig.
Module default is 3 PSIG.
Direct Fired Setup
11. Flame Safeguard Type – Direct-Fired Only
Possible values for status is: Mechanical-Module Default,
Electronic- (future)
12. Ventilation Confirmation – Direct-Fired Only
Possible values for status is installed, not installed-module
13. Ventilator Confirmation Binary Contacts – Direct-Fired
This setpoint is only displayed if the previous Ventilator
Confirmation is installed. Possible values for status are
Normally Open (Close for confirmation), Normally Closed-
Module Default. (Open for confirmation)
Direct Fired Heating Option Setup
14. Auxiliary Heating Option - Direct Fire Only
Used to activate heating features of the controls. Possible
values for status is installed, not installed-module default.
When the option is de-installed, the Heat or Cool Priority
setpoint will be set to Cooling Only and a brief message will
be displayed.
15. Auxiliary Heating Four to Two-Pipe Conversion
Only with the previous Auxiliary Heating option installed.
Output contacts are utilized for control of system water
valves. Valves may be used to convert form heating to
cooling and heating to cooling on two-pipe systems.
Possible values for statuses are installed, Not installed-
module default.
16. Auxiliary Hot Water Flow Switch
Only with the previous Auxiliary Heating option installed.
Priority heating and heat only modes require this input. Its
use is optional on cooling priority.
Possible values for statuses are Not Installed-Module
Default, Software, and Hardware.
Sales Order Specified Features
17. Line Voltage Sensing Option
Only to be installed if voltage potential transformers and
fuses and wiring are present.
Possible values for statuses are installed or not installed-
module default.
18. Unit Line Voltage
The following will be displayed only if previous line voltage
sensing option is installed.
Possible values of [volt] are “180” through “6600” in 5 volt
increments. Module Default is 460 volts.
19. External Chilled Water Setpoint Option
Feature allows an external analog signal to adjust the
chilled water setpoint remotely. (See ECWS section)
Possible values for statuses are installed or not installed-
module default.
20. External Hot Water Setpoint Option – Direct-Fired Only
The following will be displayed only if the Auxiliary Heating
Option is installed.
Feature allows an external analog signal to adjust the
heating water setpoint remotely. (See ECWS section)
Possible values for statuses are installed or not installed-
module default.
21. External Setpoint Type Selection, 4-20ma/2-10Vdc
This setpoint is only displayed if External Hot Water or
external chilled water is installed.
When external analog signals are utilized this setting
defines the type. Possible values for status are: 4-20ma;
module default, 2-10Vdc
22. External Unit Function Option - Direct Fire Only
Only with Auxiliary Heating option installed. Possible
values for statuses are installed or not installed-module
Allows the selection of priority from a remote location via
two binary input contacts that allow four choices. See sales
order schematics.
Contact A
Contact B
Cooling Only
Cooling Priority
Heating Only
Heating Priority