Southwestern Industries, Inc.
KMX Knee Mill, Bed Mill & ProtoTRAK
KMX CNC Retrofit Safety, Programming, Operating & Care Manual
Z Retract
this is the location where the machines head or quill will go each time you
change tools. Once you set this location, the prompt above will change from NOT SET
to SET. You can however change this location any time you want by jogging the head
to the new location and pressing SET. We recommend you set your Z retract higher
than your
longest tool so you won’t have problems adding or removing tools.
Z Offset
this is used to calculate the difference in length between each of your tools.
The control automatically applies this offset when you change tools. The first tool in
your program is what we call the base tool, which simply means all other tools are
measured relative to this. We recommend that you touch off a fixed surface (like the
top of the vise) when touching your tools off. You then must touch each of your other
tools off of the same surface. The first tool will not show a number when you touch it
off, but the rest of the tools will show how much longer or shorter they are relative to
the first tool.
In 2 axis mode on the KMX, you can also set Z offsets if you choose. These offsets will
be applied when you press GO after loading a new tool. The Z readout will update to
the new value. Most people just zero out each tool in RUN mode after you load the tool
in the spindle.
The 1.1950 offset for Tool 2 means this tool is this much longer than your base tool.
The -0.2367 offsets for Tool 3 means this tool is shorter by this amount.
It should be noted that if your base tool breaks or is replaced, you must touch off all of
your tools again.
Z Modifier
this allows you
to tweak the offset of a given tool. For example, let’s say
you cut a pocket and the pocket was shallow by 0.005”.
You could enter a
0.005” Z modifier for that tool and cut the pocket again. Positive modifiers might be
used when you are trying to hold a critical depth. You may want to cut the part shallow
and sneak up on this dimension.
Note, tool tables are not saved with the program. If you turn the ProtoTRAK KMX off
the tool table will be lost even if the part program was saved on a thumb drive through
the Program In/Out Mode. Save Temp is an exception to this rule See 12.4.1.
Erase Tool Data
this allows you to erase all tool table data. Press key and answer
Tool path is used to verify how your tools will move through the program. The
following is what the screen will look like.