Before lighting the water heater, make certain that the fresh water system is filled
with water and the air is purged from the water heater by opening all faucets until
water flows steadily from each.
Damage may result from operating water heater
when system is not filled with water.
Read the safety information provided by the water heater
manufacturer in the installation and operation manual.
This water heater may be operated by propane gas or electrical power. It is
equipped with an ignition device that automatically lights the burner and does not
have a pilot.
To operate
electrically, you must go outside the trailer to change power supply.
Inside the water heater storage compartment is an on/off switch. Pull the cotter
pin out of the switch and press the "on" switch. To revert to gas, return switch to
"off" position and replace cotter pin.
To operate by gas, turn off all electric power to the water heater at the switch
located under the sink. The red light on the switch will light briefly. Turn off gas
supply. Wait five minutes to allow gas, which may have accumulated in the
burner compartment to escape.
If you smell
gas, STOP and follow
instructions in safety
information in water heater manual.
Turn on gas
supply. Turn on electrical power to the water heater. Turn switch to “on” position.
If burner does not light on first three tries, the system will lockout. If lockout
occurs before main burner lights, turn switch to “off”, and wait five seconds
before turning switch to “on” position. The first start-up of the heater may require
several ignition cycles before all air is purged from the gas lines.
To Turn Water Heater Off
Turn switch to “off” position. Turn off electrical power to the water heater. Turn
off gas supply. If trailer is to be stored while subject to freezing temperature,
drain water heater.
See water heater manufacturer owner's manual for more information.
The refrigerator is a 3-way design, which uses LP gas, 120 volt AC, or 12-volt
DC electricity for power. The control panel is located at the top front of the