TURBO button:
Semi-automatic continuous fi ghting button.
To confi gure this function, press action button which you want to bind with it, such as
button 1, then press “TURBO”. This will set up macro on button 1 which will enable semiau-
tomatic fi ring function when pressing button 1.
In the testing interface, when you press button 1 and the light will fl ash.
That means sucesfull confi guration of TURBO function for button 1.
To clear that function. Press the action button, such as button 1, and then press “CLEAR”
button to cancel the semi-automatic continuous fi ring.
1. No response
• Connection to computer isn’t correct, please reconnect controler.
• Reinstall product drivers.
2. Can’t always control game properly
• System
confi guration might be too low, and it can’t support the normal gameplay.
3. Can’t identify the game
• Some game software don’t supports gamepad, some games programmed only for key-
board and mouse control.
• Game settings might not be confi gured correctly. Some games had predetermineted
use of mouse or keyboard to operate, you need to change settings to control stick..
4. No Vibration
• Drivers might be installed incorrectly, please reinstall them according to manual.
• Operating system might been compromised, try installing new drivers.
5. Non-stop vibration
• In the game, the vibration setting is too sensitive.
• Drivers might be installed incorrectly, please reinstall them according to manual.
• System
confi guration is too low.