Menu Navigation - Units of Measure
1. From the main menu use the Arrow keys to select “Units of Measure” and press the
“Enter” key (center blue soft key).
2. The Units of Measure menu will display. The following parameters are accessible in
this menu. Use the Arrow keys and center blue soft key to select the appropriate
- Select between °C and °F for temperature measurements.
- Select between mbar, psi, inH2O, mmH2O, kPa, hPa, inHg, mH2O and
mmHg units of measure for pressure readings..
- Select between Nett and Gross efficiency.
Menu Navigation - Instrument Info
Provides the serial number, firmware version, and firmware date & Bluetooth Pin Code
(if fitted) for reference.
Choosing “Next” also shows the Last Calibration Date of the unit, the Next Calibration
Due Date, and Battery voltage & condition.
Menu Navigation - Calibration Mode
This is for factory use only.
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