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Address: ...................................................... ....................................................................................................
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Product(s) purchased.......................... TP Product no.
No of children: .......... ..............................
............................................................. TP .....................
Dates of birth: .....................................
............................................................. TP .....................
............................................................. TP .....................
............................................................. TP .....................
............................................................. TP .....................
Name of retailer:...........................................................................Date of Purchase: ..............................
For a chance to win £200 of TP products in our next quarterly on-line
guarantee registration draw.
Immediate access to TP products updates and offers.
Each quarter one prize of £200 worth of TP products will be won. Your on-line purchase registration
will be entered in the next available quarterly draw only. Postal registrations will not be included.
No cash alternative is available in any circumstances.
Open to all TP purchasers who are aged over 18 years who register their new TP product on-line
except employees of TP Activity Toys. The winners will be notified in writing within four weeks of the
draw. No correspondence will be entered into. A list of winners is available on request 6 weeks
after every draw by contacting TP at the address given below. TP Activity Toys reserve the right to
alter, amend, or otherwise change the terms of the Prize Draws in the interest of the consumer
without prior notification. This promotion is being run by TP Activity Toys (Tube Plastics Ltd), Severn
Road, Stourport on Severn, Worcestershire DY13 9EX
Alternatively, complete the form opposite and place in an envelope addressed
to TP Activity Toys, Severn Road, Stourport on Severn, DY13 9EX England. Please
remember a stamp. Remember however, that you must register on-line to
enter our prize draw.
Data Protection
TP will not pass your personal information to anyone else. If you would like to receive information
on TP please tick the appropriate box.
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Product Registration Form
Register your new TP product on-line now at
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