It is recommended to check all the options. You should import the IP and MAC address of the host to
List of IP-MAC Binding and enable the corresponding entry before enabling “Permit the packets
matching the IP-MAC Binding entries only”.
When suffered ARP attack, the correct ARP information will be sent to the device suffering attack
initiatively by GARP (Gratuitous ARP) packets, thus the error ARP information of the device will be
replaced. You can set the packets sending rate in the Interval field.
Check the box before
Enable ARP Logs
, and the Router will send ARP logs to the specified server.
The IP address of server is the Server IP set on
4.6.6 Logs
IP-MAC Binding
IP Address:
Enter the IP Address to be bound.
MAC Address:
Enter the MAC Address corresponding to the IP Address.
Give a description for the entry.
Activate or inactivate the entry.
List of Rules
You can view the information of the entries and edit them by the Action buttons.
The first entry in Figure 4-47 indicates: The IP address of and MAC address of
00-19-66-83-53-CF have been bound and this entry is activated.
If all the entries in the binding list are disabled and “Permit the packets of IP-MAC Binding entries only”
option is selected and saved, the WEB management page of the Router cannot be login. At the
moment, you should restore the Router to factory default and login again. ARP
ARP Scanning feature enables the Router to scan the IP address and corresponding MAC address
and display them on the List of Scanning Result.
Choose the menu
Anti ARP Spoofing
ARP Scanning
to load the following page.