Chapter 9 Tools
Packet Size
Enter the number of data bytes to be sent. It can be 4-472 bytes and the
default is 64.
Tracertroute function is used to tracks the route packets taken from source on their way to a given target
host. When malfunctions occur in the network, you can troubleshooting with traceroute utility.
Destination IP/Domain
Enter the destination IP address or the Domain name. Click
, the device
will send Tracert packets to the target host and the results will be displayed in
the list below.
Traceroute Max TTL
Set the maximum number of hops (max TTL to be reached) in the path to reach
the target (destination). The default is 5.
Speed Test
Speed Test tool is used for testing the throughput between two Pharos products in the same network. The
test requires one of the two devices to be set as a server and the other as a client. The client launches the
test request to the server and the server respond to it. The test result will display on the page of the client.
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