Archer C20
AC750 Wireless Dual Band Router
- 106 -
4.20.1 IPv6 Status
Figure 4-101 IPv6 Status
IPv6 Status
page displays the router's current IPv6 status and configuration. All information
is read-only.
Connection Type
- The IPv6 connection way for WAN
Connection Status
- The status of IPv6 connection
IPv6 Address
- The WAN IPv6 address
IPv6 Default Gateway
- The router's default gateway
Primary IPv6 DNS
- The primary IPv6 DNS address
Secondary IPv6 DNS
- The secondary IPv6 DNS address
IPv6 Address Type
- There are two types of assignation for IPv6 address: RADVD
(Stateless address auto-configuration) and DHCPv6 (Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol for IPv6) Server.
Prefix Length
- The prefix length of IPv6 address
IPv6 Address
- The LAN IPv6 address