Tactile Game 3 – 2 players
All the discs are placed in the bag and the geometric shapes are
placed on the board. The children sit opposite each other, so that
each is sitting on one side of the board. In this way, each child has
five different shapes for which a matching disc has to be found.
Taking turns, the children search by touch for the discs with the
shapes they have indicated in advance. If the disc fits, it is then
placed in the correct place. If it does not fit, it is returned to the bag.
In both cases, the turn passes to the next child. The winner is the
child who first finds the five discs. This same game can also be
played in reverse order. In other words, the discs are placed on the
board and, taking turns, the matching geometric shapes have to be
found by touch.
Tactile Game 4 – 2 players
This is an exciting game that places high demands on the tactile
senses and concentration of the player. The children sit opposite
each other with the board in the centre. One of the children acts as
the game leader and the other child as the player. The player closes
his/her eyes or puts on a blindfold. The game leader makes an
assignment by alternately placing five shapes and/or discs in a row
on the board. The remaining shapes and discs are placed in the bag.
The player first feels the shape or disc on the board and then
searches for a matching shape or disc in the bag. This assignment
takes place in one direction. When the assignment is finished, the
children check to see whether it was done correctly. If so, the player
may now make his/her own assignment for the other child, etc.
Tactile Game 5 – 2 - 5 players
All discs are distributed and placed in front of the children on the
table. The geometric shapes are placed in the bag. Taking turns,
each child searches by touch for a shape that fits his/her disc. Play
continues until all the shapes have been found. This same game can
also be played in reverse order.