Important: When positioning the spars, be sure that the top and
bottom splices are at opposite ends of the wing.
(4) Glue the four #1ribs onto the bottom spar and trailing
edge over the locations shown on the plan. Make sure that the
1/4" square holes for the servo mounting rails are up as shown
and that the ribs are centered on the trailing edge.
Glue the 1/8" x 7/8" x 8-1/4" ply leading edge doubler onto the
front of the #1ribs.
Cut the 1/4" x 15" hardwood servo mounting rails to 8-1/4". Save
the leftover pieces for aileron servo mounting. Slide a servo
mounting rail through the front and back square holes as shown
and glue them securely into position.
(5) Glue all of the #2 ribs onto the bottom spar and trailing
edge. Once again make sure all of the 1/4" square holes are at
the top. Cut and glue four 1/4" square hardwood aileron servo
mounting rails into the square holes in the proper ribs.
Splice two 3/32" x 7/8" x 24" balsa sheets together with
a diagonal cut to make the sub-leading edge. Glue the
sub-leading edge to the front of all #2 ribs and to the leading
edge doubler.
(6) Glue the top spar assembly into the notches in all of the
wing ribs.
Cut and glue the 1/16" x 3" balsa shear webs securely to the
front of the spars.
Diagonally splice the two 3/32" x 7/8" x 24" balsa trailing edge
sheets at the centerline. Glue the trailing edge sheeting to the
ribs and to the 1/8" x 3/8" balsa trailing edge.
(7) Bevel the sub-leading edge with a long sanding block so
that it is flush with the tops of all wing ribs as shown.
Refer to the plan and sketch above, then use three 3/32" x 3" x 36"
balsa sheets, spliced diagonally, to make two 44" long leading
edge sheets.
Set one 44" sheet aside for the time being.
Glue a leading edge sheet to the ribs, beveled sub-leading edge
and upper spar. Position the splice as shown on the plan.
Note: The sheeting will only cover the front half of the spar.