When leaking battery
uid adheres to your body or clothes, wash it away
with clean water.
uid may damage your eyes or skin.
Preliminary studies in females suggest that overuse of continuous spraying
can increase the possibility of vaginal mucosa drying and potential reduction in
desirable microbial organisms.
Although these studies have not been validated, please consult your healthcare
provider for concerns regarding whether these circumstances may apply to you.
More importantly, if you are an individual suffering from any immune de
as a result of disease, chemotherapy, or other medical condition compromising
the immune system you should consult your healthcare provider before use of
this product.
Do not use the product if the main unit is unstable.
Doing so may cause the main unit to come loose and fall, resulting in injury.
If the product is damaged, do not touch the damaged section.
Doing so may cause electrical shock or injury. Replace it immediately.
Do not apply strong force, mechanical shock, step on or stand on the toilet
seat, toilet lid or main unit. Also do not place any heavy object on the toilet
seat, toilet lid or main unit.
Doing so may cause cracking or cause the main unit to come loose and fall, resulting in injury.
Doing so may damage the product and cause injury or water damage.
Do not lift up this product by the toilet seat or lid.
Do not raise the toilet seat or lid while objects are resting on top of the unit.
Doing so may cause the main unit to come loose and fall, resulting in injury.
When maintaining the plastic parts (main unit etc.) or the water supply hose,
use a neutral kitchen detergent diluted with water. Do not use any of the
Toilet cleaner, household cleaner, benzene, paint thinner, powdered cleanser or nylon
scrubbing brush.
These items may damage or crack the plastic and cause injury or malfunction.
These items could damage the water supply hose and cause a water leak.
To prevent a sudden water leak, do not remove the water
lter drain valve
when the shutoff valve is open.
Doing so will cause water to spurt out.
(Refer to Page 35 for instructions on cleaning the water
lter drain valve.)