Toro Tempus Air BS
Tempus Air BS is a 3G-LoRa
gateway that allows data transmission between the MyToroTempus application or platform and Tempus Air modules (CT, MS, PS, MV).
Tempus Air BS connects to the MyToroTempus, application or web platform, via Internet in 3G.
Tempus Air BS can communicate via LoRa
(long range radio connection) with up to 25 modules between Tempus Air CT / MV / MS / PS. Using Tempus Air MS (Multi
Sensor module) and Tempus Air PS (Pressure Sensor module), always allows the user to have field data feedback and safety threshold alerts. Tempus Air BS can
be powered by a 230VAC power supply or a solar panel. It has a buffer battery to ensure the continuity of its operation for 24 hours without any power supply
(depending on the conditions of use).
The frequency of 3G data communication:
Thanks to its SIM card, the Tempus Air BS communicates periodically over 3G with the MyToroTempus platform in order to:
• Transmit the informations to Tempus Air CT, Tempus Air MV.
(e.g.: irrigation programs, manual controls, ON / OFF, etc ...)
• Feed back information from Tempus Air MS, Tempus Air PS
(e.g.: battery level, water volumes, sensor alerts, etc.)
The frequency is 12 times per day. Communications are configured 1 at 1 am and 11 from 8 am to 6 pm every hour.
To activate your SIM card, send the subscription request to the dealer.
Once the SIM card has been actived, the Tempus Air BS will be operational and will be able to connect to the MyToroTempus platform.
During the first installation or if a long time has passed without having had a charge / discharge cycle, it is necessary to charge the Tempus Air BS battery, turned
off, for 24 hours with 230 VAC power supply.
Follow the step 1 to wire the 230 VAC power supply for battery charging.
Diameter: 115mm
Height: 307mm
Used frequency band:
Bluetooth®: [2400-2483.5] Mhz
3G: [2100]Mhz
Power Supply:
Power pack: INPUT: 100-240V 50/60Hz
Solar panel : 12V 20W
Battery : 4V 2.5Ah
Permitted humidity: 90% (relative humidity)
Ambient temperature: -20°C to 60°C
Warranty: 2 years