• Start Station
. Starts a specified station.
• Cancel Station
. Cancels a specified station.
• Cancel All
. Cancels all irrigation activity.
• Rain Hold
. Places a rain hold on the controller for a
specified number of days.
: The type of pressure sensor installed, typically
defined by the maximum pressure of the sensor. Check
your sensor’s documentation for the correct number
(typically 200 psi).
Temperature Sensor Configuration
: Minimum temperature permitted for operation.
: Maximum temperature permitted for operation.
: Select either English or Metric for display of
temperature readings in either Farenheit or Celcius.
: Select either a high limit alarm (Hi) or a low limit
alarm (Lo). In the
: field, it is possible to turn the Hi or
Lo alarm On of Off.
: Qualification time. How long does the alarm
condition (max temperature exceeded, for example) have
to stay in that condition for the alarm to be triggered.
: Reset time. Clears the alarm automactially if
alarm condition no longer exists for that period of time.
: If an alarm is triggered, this is the Action that the
controller will take. Possible choices are:
• None
. The alarm will only alert the operator.
• Start Station
. Starts a specified station.
• Cancel Station
. Cancels a specified station.
• Cancel All
. Cancels all irrigation activity.
• Rain Hold
. Places a rain hold on the controller for a
specified number of days.
Flow Sensor Configuration
: In Water Time Window. Set a time when
watering can begin.
: Out Water Time Window. Set a time when
irrigation is no longer permitted.
: For standalone. Minimum flow rate allowed at the
beginning of the water window.
: Paired with I_Min. Maximum flow rate allowed
during the water window.
: Maximum flow rate allowed outside of water
window. One might typically set this value rather low to
help detect valve or sprinkler leaks.
: Select either English or Metric for display of flow
rates in either gallons per minute (gpm) or liters per
minute (lpm).
: Select either a high limit alarm (Hi) or a low limit
alarm (Lo). In the
: field, it is possible to turn the Hi or
Lo alarm On of Off.
: Qualification time. How long does the alarm
condition (high flow limit exceeded, for example) have to
stay in that condition for the alarm to be triggered.
: Reset time. Clears the alarm automactially if
alarm condition no longer exists for that period of time.
: If an alarm is triggered, this is the Action that the
controller will take. Possible choices are:
• None
. The alarm will only alert the operator.
• Start Station
. Starts a specified station.
• Cancel Station
. Cancels a specified station.
• Cancel All
. Cancels all irrigation activity.
• Rain Hold
. Places a rain hold on the controller for a
specified number of days.
: Select the manufacturer of the flow sensor.
Choices are Data Industrial, Bermad, or Custom.
: Review your flow sensor’s documentation for its
Input : 7 Typ:TEMP
Min : 001 C
Max : 040 C
Unit : Metric (C)
Alarm : Hi Set: On
QTime : 010m
RTime : 015m
Act : Rain Hold
Hold : Today
Input : 2 Typ:FLOW
I_WTW : 06:00pm
O_WTW : 02:00am
I_Min : 00020 gpm
I_Max : 00200 gpm
O_Max : 00010 gpm
Unit : English(gpm)
Alarm : Hi Set: On
QTime : 001m
RTime : 002m
Act : Cancel All
Make : Custom
Kval : 0000.000
Off_s : 00.000