Arc Adjustment Procedure
The FLX35-6 and FLX55-6 sprinkler models can be operated in full-circle or part circle operation. In part-circle
operation, the sprinkler arc can be adjusted from 40°– 330°. When full-circle (360°) operation is selected, the sprinkler
will rotate in a clockwise direction only. The arc is factory preset at 180°. The left side of the arc, located at the end
of the counterclockwise rotation, is non-adjustable (fixed). Therefore, all arc adjustments, whether increasing or
decreasing, will change the right side of the arc, located at the end of the clockwise rotation.
Step 1 – Using the sprinkler tool, pull the sprinkler riser up from the body. See Figure 2.
Step 2 – Find the sprinkler left stop by rotating the turret counter clockwise until it stops. The left stop indicates the
fixed stop of the arc. See Figure 3.
Step 3 – Check the left stop alignment with the left most area being irrigated. Adjust
by ratcheting the riser clockwise or counterclockwise until the sprinkler left
stop points to the correct area. See Figure 4.
1. If the left stop falls short of the desired border, rotate the turret
counterclockwise to the stop, then ratchet the riser until it is aligned with
the left watering border. See Figure 4.
2. If the left stop exceeds the border, rotate the turret clockwise to the right
stop. Continue to advance the turret the same distance that the left stop
exceeded the border. See Figure 5.
Step 4 – Find the sprinkler right stop by rotating the turret clockwise until it stops.
See Figure 5.
Note: If the sprinkler is set at 360° (full-circle), it will rotate clockwise only.
Step 5 – Adjust the arc while the turret is pointing at the right stop. Hold the
sprinkler riser firmly while pressing the release on the adjustment band.
Rotate the turret counterclockwise or clockwise to the desired right stop. See Figure 6.
Step 6 – Activate the sprinkler to check proper arc setting and adjust as necessary.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6