Figure 38
1. Reel drive belt
2. Bearing housing mounting
B. Using a 3/8 inch drive torque wrench,
rotate the bearing housing with 35-40 in.-lb.
of torque to set belt tension (Figure 39).
Figure 39
1. Bearing housing
2. 3/8" Torque wrench here
C. While holding the torque wrench setting,
tighten the bearing housing mounting nuts
(Figure 38). Do not over-tension belt.
D. Install belt cover.
Traction Drive Belt
1. Remove belt cover mounting fasteners and belt
cover to expose belt (Figure 40).
Figure 40
1. Traction drive belt cover
2. Check tension by depressing belt (Figure 41)
at mid span of pulleys with 4 ± 1 lb of force.
Belt should deflect 1/4 inch (6 mm). If the
deflection is incorrect, proceed to next step.
Figure 41
1. Traction drive belt
3. To adjust belt tension:
A. On back side of side plate, loosen the bolt
securing the idler bracket to the side plate
(Figure 42).