Position of the Universal Support
You can work with the Universal Support placed either horizontally with the wheel running
away from the edge or vertically so the wheel runs towards the edge.
In the horizontal position the rotation of the grinding wheel pulls the jig towards the Universal
Support. In the vertical position, the grinding pressure is increased by the rotation of the
wheel but you must watch that you keep pressing the jig firmly towards the Universal Sup-
port to ensure that the edge does not catch the wheel.
In this instruction, we show the horizontal position. When much steel needs to be removed
for the initial shaping, you could beneficially work with the Universal Support placed vertically.
For future sharpenings, you should always work in the horizontal position so the rotation of
the wheel pulls the jig towards the Universal Support and that you eliminate the risk that the
edge catches into the wheel.
Horizontal mount. The wheel
runs away from the edge.
Vertical mount. The wheel runs
towards the edge.
Round Off the Corners On a Flat Skew
Before shaping a
(rectangular) skew for the first time,
you should for two reasons, check that the corners are
rounded off. Firstly, the tool works more smoothly on your
lathe tool rest and secondly the skew lines up more easily
in the seat of the jig.
The rounding off can be done on your Tormek machine.
You can even polish the surfaces on the honing wheel for
the lowest possible friction on the tool rest of your lathe.
A flat skew should have
rounded off corners.