Turning Skew Chisels
Flat or Oval with a Straight Edge
Here is shown the shaping of a flat skew, which has a rectangular section.
The oval skew is done in the same way.
You can do the initial shaping either directly on the Tormek machine or on a bench grinder
using the Tormek Bench Grinder Mounting Set BGM-100 (page 29). When you need to
remove a lot of steel, e.g. when decreasing the edge angle or changing the skew angle, you
can use a bench grinder which removes steel faster.
The setting of the jig to the
skew angle, JS.
The protrusion of the tool in
the jig, P.
Universal Support position.
Use hole B.
The Turning Tool Setter TTS-100 controls these factors. Select the profile you want from the
chart on the next page and use the three factors, which will give that shape. Then note the
settings on the Profile Label and put it on the ferrule. After the initial shaping you can exactly
replicate your favourite shape at every sharpening in less than a minute.
Note the settings on a Profile Label
and put it in on the ferrule. A set of
labels comes with the jig.
These three factors determine the geometry of a skew.