Press the fine side of the Stone
Grader onto the stone for about
45 seconds. Use a fair amount
of pressure.
Use the same setting and fine
sharpen for 30–40 seconds.
Do not press too hard.
Finer Surface with the Stone Grader
You can refine the tool surface by grading the Tormek Original Grindstone with the fine side
of the Tormek Stone Grader SP‑650. Pressing the Stone Grader firmly towards the grind‑
stone refines the grindstone surface so it acts like a 1000 grit stone. If you are replicating an
established edge angle, you can go directly to this finer surface of the stone.
SE-77 Fine adjustment
For increased sharpening
pressure on the tool’s right
side, loosen knob A and tighten
knob B. Do the opposite for
increased sharpening pressure
on the left side. Adjust approxi-
mately ¼ turn until you get a
desired result.
The adjustment screws create a
movable side which allows fine
adjustment. They can be used if
you do not get a 90° angle.
When the lines meet, the jig
is in its neutral position.
Honing on the leather honing wheel
Turn the machine around so that the honing wheel rotates
away from you. Move the Universal Support to the honing
wheel side and mount horizontally. Set to the same honing
angle as the grinding angle. Use the
Bevel Marker Method
or the AngleMaster WM‑200 for the setting, see page 123.
Remember to change the AngleMaster’s diameter to
mm. The jig gives you full control of the honing angle on
the T‑8 model. Hone the back of the tool without the jig.
The safety stops are not used when honing – they are designed for use on the grinding
wheel. Therefore, check that you do not slide the jig too far sideways. A part of the blade
must always be in contact with the wheel.