Connect the ATC Legacy Adapter Cable
Rewire the Power Drawbar Board
If you previously installed the Power Drawbar board, you must
rewire it.
To rewire the Power Drawbar board:
Electrical Shock Hazard: You must power off
the machine before making any electrical connections. If
you don't, there's a risk of electrocution or shock.
1. Power off the machine and the PathPilot controller.
a. Push in the Emergency Stop button on the operator panel,
which removes power to motion control.
b. From the PathPilot interface, select
c. Turn the Main Disconnect switch to
on the side of the
electrical cabinet.
2. Open the electrical cabinet door.
3. Locate blue wires 105 and 105A on the terminal block in the
electrical cabinet.
Figure 2-26: Current wire configuration on the terminal
4. Remove blue wires 105 and 105A.
5. Locate red wire 105A on the terminal block. Then, remove it.
During the original procedure to install the
Power Drawbar, wire 105 was given a new label,
making it wire 105A.
6. Connect red wire 105A to the slot opposite red wire 105 on
the terminal block.
Figure 2-27: New wire configuration on the terminal block.
7. In the Power Drawbar control assembly box, locate the blue
spindle door interlock wires on the Power Drawbar board.
Then, unplug them.
Figure 2-28: Current wire configuration on the Power
Drawbar board.
8. Pull the loose blue spindle door interlock wires from the
Power Drawbar control assembly box, through the Z column,
and out of the machine. Then, discard them.
9. In the Power Drawbar control assembly box, locate the power
wire connector on the Power Drawbar board. Then, unplug it.
10. Pull the loose power wire from the Power Drawbar control
assembly box and out of the machine. Then, discard it.
11. In the Power Drawbar control assembly box, locate the VFD
interconnect cable (from DB1) on the Power Drawbar board.
Then, unplug it.
Connect the ATC Legacy Adapter Cable
1. Connect the ATC Legacy Adapter Cable to the ATC power cable
on the main assembly.
2. Route the loose wires from the ATC Legacy Adapter Cable out
of the enclosure and toward the electrical cabinet on the back
of the machine.
Page 10
©Tormach® 2019
Specifications subject to change without notice.
TD10559: Owner's Guide: M ATC Retrofit for PCNC 1100 Series 3 (1119A)