Problem: Spindle head falls after installing the new motor with brake when the machine is powered off.
How-To Steps
1. Power off the machine.
2. On the top of the Z-axis motor, push the manual break override lever to the
The brake switches into automatic mode, and engages the brake when the
machine is powered off.
Problem: The Z-axis motor makes grinding noises during operation.
How-To Steps
1. Verify that the latest version of PathPilot is installed on your controller.
2. In the rear Z-axis cover, check the Z-axis motor connector to verify that it's
properly connected and all wires are seated into the connector.
3. In the electrical cabinet, inspect wires 509 and 510 to verify that they are
properly connected.
For information, see "Electrical Schematics" (page 17).
Problem: The Emergency Stop button doesn't work.
How-To Steps
1. Verify that any of the following symptoms occur:
The blue Reset LED is always on, even when the Emergency Stop button is
pressed in.
The green LEDs on the axis drives are always on, even when the Emergency
Stop button is pressed in.
The green LED on the K1 relay is always on, even when the Emergency Stop
button is pressed in.
2. In the electrical cabinet, inspect wires 509 and 510. Verify that they are
connected to the correct location inside the electrical cabinet:
Wire 509 connects to Pin 2 on the J10 connector of the ECM1 machine
control board.
Wire 510 connects to -V on the 24 Vdc power supply.
3. If wires 509 and 510 are connected to the correct locations in the electrical
cabinet, refer to the troubleshooting section of the 24R operator’s manual.
Page 16
©Tormach® 2022
Specifications subject to change without notice.
TD10801: Installation Guide: 24R Z-Axis Brake Retrofit Kit (0722A)