TOP: The nose gear steering servo is mounted on the inside of F10, which
side will depend on your gear steering arrangement. Note that the servo is
recessed into F10. BOTTOM: The nose gear steering servo from the back.
Note the plywood mount attached to F10. The FST-B sections have been
installed and the one with the cut out in it is for the servo clearance.
on top. Note, they must be in the same
orientation as the opening in the side
of the fuselage. Glue them together in
this order. Remove the pins, open up
the servo opening in the fuselage side
and install this assembly into the servo
opening from the inside. Glue with thin
CA. This will provide a recessed mount
for the servo that will be flush with the
fuselage side.
26 The instrument panel is installed ½” be-
hind F2. Use a scrap piece of ½” balsa
at the top to attach it to F2.
Install and glue three ¼” x ¼” balsa
stringers between the firewall and the
instrument panel.
28 Install and glue FFT, the fuselage for-
ward top sheeting. Once again you will
want to soak these parts prior to bend
ing them around the firewall and F2.
29 Install seven 3/16” x 3/16” square balsa
stringers into the notches provided in
F3 through F7.
Locate the 1/64” ply turtle deck sheet
ing. Test fit this material and trim as nec
essary to butt fit at the side. Let the top
overlap for now. Apply a liberal bead
of thick CA along the ¼” stringer and
the edge of the fuselage side and install
the ply sheeting. Use several pieces of
masking tape to hold it into position and
keep pressure on the joint until it cures.
Roll the sheet over F3 and mark the
sheet at the exact center of the top
stringer. Mark the sheet at the other end
where it is exactly half way across the
stringer. Use a straight edge to trim the
edge to a straight line between the two
marks. Apply thick CA to all formers
and then wrap a long piece of masking
tape from one side over the top to the
other side.
: RSM-A and RSM-
B are pinned to the boad and
then glued with thin CA.
: The assembly is
then installed and glued into
the opening in the side of the
fuselage. RSM-C which will
contain the servo will mount
to this assembly.